In the realm of existence, there is no end, nor beginning there just is “The Present, The Now”. Memories of the past and anticipations of the future resonate within one’s mind, competing to be heard through endless mind chatter. The “Who Am I?”, “What Am I?” and “What is my purpose?” are themes that reoccur with ever changing answers as one journeys through life. Life means continuous change, change is a given, there is no denying it or fighting it.

There is another given which majority fear and that is we are all “Born to Die” in the 3D:

Being Open Realising Now to Dream Imagine Evolve

It is human nature to find the quick fix, the miracle pill or the magic formula to by pass the experiences or situations in our life that we perceive as painful, uncomfortable or unwarranted. However, these are the occasions where our Soul is crying out to be heard, to remind us that we are off track and need to address the situation. It is my desire that this blog provide you with support and comfort in knowing that we are all looking for the same answers and every choice we make defines the path of our journey to an Awakened Soul.

  • Where to Begin?

    “Who am I?” We all possess life stories to share. Some of us navigate life quietly, guarding our experiences within, hesitant to open up to others, or unsure of how to begin as the fear of what others would think causes us to withdraw. While, there are those of us who speak openly about our…

  • Daily Decree for Higher Self connection

    Nearly every day I meditate with my husband, we listen to guided mediations that have been so kindly recorded by various amazing individuals that have been uploaded on YouTube. We listened to one on “Letting go of Control” a few days ago and it introduced me to the Violet Flame. Which I knew about but…

  • Blissful Living vs Fear-based Living

    If I were to say that both states of living are in your control and that it is only through opening up your Heart can you experience a state of Blissful living which shifts your reality into a more 5D awareness. Now, you will say: ‘Well that not so easy because everything that I experience…

  • Suggested Resources

    Spiritual awakening is continuous learning and expanding one’s mind. Learning is used very lightly as we are not really learning we are “Remembering”. The density of the 3D experience means that we forget our True essence. The awakening is rediscovering your essence, your divinity, your Soul Self. “We are all One”, these word for majority…